Dallas Cowboys Set to Enter Coworking Business | Open a Coworking Space

American football team organization, the Dallas Cowboys announced on Monday that they will be indulging in the coworking business. Further, the shared workspace will be launched this summer on the grounds of Cowboys practice space in Frisco, Texas. The coworking facility, known by the name ‘Formation’ will cover an area of 18,000 square feet dedicated entirely for providing workspace solutions. Additionally, the members can access the front office of the organization. In one of his statements, Jerry Jones Jr, Dallas Cowboys Vice President, expressed the reasons behind this surprising development. He stated that the Dallas Cowboys harbor a winning spirit within them which they want the business professionals to adopt as well. The idea is to channel the positive energy and procure maximum benefits from coworking. Once the workspace is set-up, it will be accessible to a small number of people. This will then be followed by an extensive application process to choose the best from the lot.

Suggested reading: 10 Awesome Coworking Spaces in Dallas

Ready to rival with WeWork

One of the major coworking space operating in the city of Dallas includes WeWork. Not to forget, WeWork is a leading brand in the coworking world with a vast number of centers scattered across various locations. For instance, WeWork centers in California can be cited as a good example. It has been undergoing numerous developmental projects to secure a good position in the market. However, the Dallas Cowboys facility, Formation is ready to meet head-on with this stiff competitor. Furthermore, they will provide three types of services in the form of dedicated desks, private offices, and coworking desks.

  • Dallas Cowboys to open an 18,000 square feet coworking space by the name Formation.
  • The coworking firm will be located in The Star, Frisco which is the practicing ground of the Dallas Cowboys.
  • It will be facing stiff competition from WeWork which has spread its roots in Dallas as well.

Other major coworking spaces in Dallas

In recent years, Dallas has experienced a tech-boom that has increased the number of startups and business ventures operating in the city. With this rise, the requirement for efficient workspaces has marginally risen. Due to this, a lot of coworking facilities have stepped into the potential market to set up their centers. For instance, some of the coworking spaces in Dallas include Common Desk, Industrious, WeWork, Novel Coworking and more. While opening a coworking space, in this city, the Formation will have to come up with a new strategy. With so many options at hand, it will be quite a task for Dallas Cowboys to establish their identity. Or who knows? They might become successful without experiencing any great disadvantage.

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Ajay Deep

Ajay Deep is the brain behind Coworking Mag. He founded this website to help startups and aspiring entrepreneurs find a coworking space in their city. He is a successful entrepreneur who started and scaled a bunch of startups – all from shared office spaces. He has visited hundreds of coworking spaces in different countries and is now an investor in this evergrowing idea of developing new coworking spaces. You may reach Ajay Deep at [email protected]
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